Discover Padua's Secrets: A Historical In-App Audio Tour

Información Básica

Padua, Italia


Unlock the storied heart of Padua with this immersive self-guided audio tour. Designed for history enthusiasts and culture seekers, the narrated journey offers a window into the city's illustrious past, showcasing landmarks that have shaped its character. Filled with captivating tales and striking scenes, the tour is an auditory odyssey through time and tradition for the curious traveler. The route begins at the majestic Prato della Valle and ends at the age-old University of Padua's Palazzo Bo. Between these iconic bookends, explore the narrow alleys of the Jewish Ghetto, reflect at the haunting Stumbling Stones, take respite at the opulent Caffè Pedrocchi, and marvel at the multispired Basilica of St. Anthony. Midway points of intrigue include the ancient Ponte San Lorenzo and the lively Piazza dei Signori. This carefully curated trail ensures a comprehensive sightseeing experience, bringing Padua's rich tapestry of history to life as you stroll through its vibrant streets and squares. Your tour promises memorable encounters with history, from pinpointing the reverent whispers within the Basilica of St. Anthony to feeling the weight of centuries under the robust arches of the Palazzo della Ragione. As the tour concludes, travelers carry with them not just mental images of Padua's elegant architecture but an enriched understanding of the city's enduring legacy etched in its cobblestone paths and timeless edifices.

Que incluye

  • Downloadable self-guided audio tour via the WeGoTrip app
  • Detailed route from stop to stop with live GPS map on your smartphone
  • Earphones are not included — please bring your own
  • Tickets to the attractions along the way are not included


  • GB FlagInglés


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